Friday, December 9, 2011

Birds-Burlap and Christmas

This  Christmas we are going away so I did not want to do much .My birds stayed from the Fall plus I really like them and did not want to part with them -I have added red ribbon ,added burlap runner I got at Lydis store, bought red runner on - they are $6 and add a lot of color and it feels like Christmas.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The 43 Annual Tour of Homes in St Augustine

Amazing Topiaries  filled with fruit,basket and grapefruits, magnolia leaves pressed ??made into a runner .

The 43 Annual Tour of Homes in St Augustine

We all loved the tree made out of magnolia leaves on the wall .Leaves  were glued or pinned to cardboard -I thought it looked fantastic.Simple -natural-all kind wreaths -Tangarine garland .

The 43 Annual Tour of Homes in St Augustine

My Favorite home on St George street-dating back to 1659.Simple greenery on the fireplace  mantle with pine cones and ribbon.Kitchen and  artichoke ,table with simple candles and magnolia leaves- look at the leaf  luster.I wonder if the clean leaves  with something ???they are so shiny ..

The 43 Annual Tour of Homes in St Augustine

This was the funniest thing  I saw --Santa Tree house -tiny door and windows on the bottom of the tree.Door changes with the season.

Below - beautiful hunting wagon with fox .

Monday, December 5, 2011

Lavender Day for all

Lavender Day for all -Cocoa Village -quaint dogs friendly gathering place and Fashion for all.My friend Celeste with her dog Great Dane Natieri  -Lavender bandena on Natieri -lavender nail polish -lavender shirt for mom .